[171024] 허리 통증EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 10. 24. 18:39
Talk about back problems. There are many people who complain of back problems.-> complain of back problems 요통을 호소하다. Chronic back pain can make it impossible to function properly.-> chronic back pain 만성 요통, function properly 정상적인 생활을 하다. Back problems usually can't be treated simply, so it's most important to prevent it in advance.-> be treated simply 간단하게 치료하다, prevent something in advance ~을 사..
[171023] 가을EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 10. 24. 18:01
top-notch 최고의, 아주 뛰어난Autumn in Korea is a time when people can enjoy top-notch weather. breeze 산들바람, go on = continueCool breezes blow in the fall, and fine weather goes on for days. The trees in the mountain change into beautiful colors. fall foliage 가을 단풍, early October 10월 초, mid-October 10월 중순The fall foliage reaches a peak in mid-October. sentimental 정서적으로 싱숭생숭한, get sentimental 가을 타다Some p..
10월 4주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 10. 23. 17:23
10.23얘 이지야, 너 뭐해. 이거 다 버리려는거야?Hey, Easy. What are you doing? Are you going to throw these things/stuff away? 응, 집에 잡동사니들이 너무 많아서 스트레스 받아.Yes, Too much clutter at home stress me out.-> clutter 잡동사니= Clutter stresses me out.cf) Too much nagging. 너무 많은 잔소리 내가 너무 쌓아놓고 사는 것 같아.I think I am a hoarder.-> hoarder 비축/저장하는 사람 너 같은 사람들이 많지. 나도 그렇고.There are many people like you including me. 이제부터는 주변의 물건들을..
[171016] 수영EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 10. 16. 19:11
I had a fear of water.= I was afraid of water.cf) I'm afraid of height/darkness I nearly drowned in a pool. My mother signed me up for swimming lesson.cf) I signed up for yoga class. I kept at it with the lessons.I got pretty good at freestyle and backstroke. I go to the pool whenever I get the chance.I do several laps in the pool.-> lap 수영장에서 한 바퀴 갔다오는 것 I can get plenty of exercise through swi..
10월 3주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 10. 16. 17:52
10.16실례합니다. 기차표를 어디서 출력할 수 있을까요?Excuse me, where can I print out my ticket?= I need to print (out) my ticket.cf) a paper copy of my e-ticket 저기 있는 발권기나 매표소에서요.At the machine over there or at the office.-> at the office = at the information centercf) vending machine (주류, 음료) 자판기 감사합니다.Thank you. 어,. 어떤걸 눌러야하는거지....Which one should I choose? 어, 옳지 발권조회를 누르고나서 발권번호를 입력하면 되는구나Okay. Search orders and..
10월 2주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 10. 9. 14:34
10.9오늘은 시장점유율을 높일 수 있는 방법에 대해 얘기해봅시다.Today, let's talk about how to increase market share. 우편광고가 여전히 효과가 있다고 생각하세요? Do you think direct mail is still effected?= direct mail = snail mail = paper mail ↔ email-> effected는 첫소리 e가 강세를 받지 못하면 'ㅓ'나 'ㅡ'로 발음된다. 따라서 어펙티브라고 들린다. 우편광고요? 아니요, 그건 시대에 뒤떨어져요. 사람들은 이제 우편물을 거의 열어보지 않아요.Direct mail? No, it's outdated. People don't even open most of their mail anym..
10월 1주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 10. 3. 10:46
10.2아빠, 잘 지내시죠? 아침은 드셨어요?Dad, how are you doing? Did you have/eat breakfast?-> How have been (doing)? 오랜만에 만났을 경우 난 잘 있다. 그래 방금 먹었어.I am good. Yes, I just ate/eaten. 뭐 드셨어요? 꼭 몸에 좋은 걸 드셔야 해요.What did you have/eat? Don't forget to eat healthy.= What was for breakfast? 내 걱정은 하지 마라. 내가 알아서 챙기니까.Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. 점심 같이 드실래요?How about we have lunch together?= Do you wan..
[170929] Money Gifts 축의금/조의금EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 9. 30. 18:44
Talk about how Koreans offer money gifts for special occasions.-> offer money gifts 축의금/조의금을 내다. In Korea, it's typical for people to offer money gifts for special occasions like weddings or funerals.-> wedding 결혼식, special occasion 특별한 경우 For a wedding, it is called congratulatory money.-> congratulatory money 축의금 For a funeral, it is called condolatory money.-> funeral 장례식, condolatory money 조..