
  • Expression
    공부/입트영 스터디 2017. 6. 13. 08:57

    학원 private educational institute

    대학원 graduate school

    밤낮으로 day and night


    It was a reckless decision/challenge. 그것은 무모한 도전이었죠.


    improve flexibility of the body 몸의 유연성을 기르다. 


    She found her specialty.

    I think you found your new talent.

    She has musical aptitude.

    She has an aptitude for music.

    She had no aptitude for music.

    It's not my thing. 그것은 제 적성에 안 맞아요.

    This work does not suit/fit me.
    I'm not suitable for this career.

    시행착오 trial and error

    We all learn by mistakes.

    This may require trial and error.

    It's just a process of trial and error.

    Many drugs were found by trial and error. 많은 약품들이 시행착오를 거치면서 개발되었다.


    I'll put in a claim for damages.

    I put the losses at 10,000 dollars. 그 손해를 1만 달러로 어림한다.

    We sold our house to disadvantage. 우리는 손해보고 집을 팔았다.

    Such a small loss is nothing to me. 이만한 작은 손해는 아무것도 아니다.

    We suffered an enormous loss from the flood. 수해로 막대한 손해를 입었다.

    He promised to compensate me for my loss. 그는 내 손해를 보상하기로 약속했다.

    My investment in stocks resulted in a tremendous loss. 주식 투자로 막대한 손해를 봤다.

    He took a wrong turn and lost a whole hour. 그는 길을 잘못 드는 바람에 한 시간이나 손해를 봤다.

    Regardless of time and place 시간과 장소에 관계없이

    I have acrophobia.

    I cracked up. 참을 수 없이 웃겼어.

    I was rolling in the aisles. 배꼽 빠지는 줄 알았어.

    I will leave that (weekend) open. 시(주말) 간 비워둘게



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