
  • 4화
    미드/Beyond Season 1 2017. 9. 4. 16:39

    paperweight 종이 누르개

    cush cash의 속어 ex) It's a cush job. 꽤 짭잘한 일이야.

    out of it 정상 컨디션이 아닌, 지친 ex) You were out of it, man.

    hysterical 히스테리(개인, 집단이 극도의 흥분, 공포, 분노에 사로잡혀 정신없이 울거나 웃는 상태) ex) He was hysterical.

    inaudible 들리지 않음 ex) It was mostly inaudible.

    check in with 안부를 묻다. ex) I checked in with his wife, Christine.

    drawer 서랍

    smashed to pieces 산산이 부서지다.

    ex) I found his desk drawer smashed to pieces.

    be caught on camera 카메라에 잡히다.

    drive-through 차에 탄 채

    ex) The last time my brother was caught on camera was a drive-through on Fieldsman Road.

    a bunch of thugs 폭력배 일당

    somehow 어떻게든, 그럭저럭

    file 제출하다.

    freak 괴상한

    a sort of post-traumatic stress 일종의 외상후 스트레스

    repress 참다[억누르다/억압하다]

    pounding (가슴이) 쿵쾅거리는 소리 ex) the next time you feel your heart pounding

    leave off 중단하다/멈추다. ex) we can pick up where we left off.

    retrieve 되찾아오다, 회수하다.

    vital 활력징후 ex) His vitals just started falling.

    saccadic eye movement 눈 경련

    theoretical 이론적인

    like a bat out of hell 쏜살같이 ex) I heard you ran out of high school test like a bat out of hell.

    I must be out of practice 연습이 부족하다.

    keep somebody from something ~가 ~하지 못하게 하다.

    keep something from somebody ~에게 ~을 숨기다.

    ex) you guys have been keeping from me?

    candlelit 촛불을 밝힌 ex) candlelit dinner

    make somebody/something out 알아 보다/듣다, (사람의 성격을) 이해/파악하다, 

    ex) We can do something besides making out this time.

    chug (엔진이) 통통하는 소리를 내다. ex) I heard it chugging a little the other day.

    make it 성공하다.

    as good as ~와 다름없다. ex) Kevin's as good as dead.

    come after somebody ~를 뒤쫓다/따라가다. ex) He came after you.

    hold/put a gun to somebody's head ~를 협박하여 일을 하게 만들다.

    alias 일명 ~라고 불리는

    out of thin air 난데없이

    kick your ass 혼 좀 나볼래?

    recital 발표회, 연주회 ex) His kid's got a piano recital tonight.

    break into 몰래 잠입하다.

    in broad daylight 대낮에

    ex) We're breaking into his house in broad daylight?

    lay off 내버려두다. ex) My parents need to lay off.

    every single time 매번

    intertwine 뒤얽히다.

    induce 유도하다. ex) I'm not inducing you into another coma.

    traumatic 정신적 외상을 초래할 정도의, 대단히 위험한 ex) It's too traumatic.

    be meant to ~인 것으로 여겨지다.

    hollow (속이) 빈

    entertain 접대하다, 즐겁게해주다. ex) Will you entertain our guest until I get back?

    well-behaved 예의 바른

    breed 새끼를 낳다.

    see somebody off ~를 배웅하다. ex) You missed the chance to see your dog off.

    from here on out 이제부터는

    I'll be out of your hair soon. = I will not bother you anymore.


    04:44 06:08 07:25 08:06 10:13


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