[170814] Mortgage 주택담보대출EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 8. 16. 09:30반응형
Talk about when you got a mortgage.
Recently, I took out the mortgage to buy a house.
First, I went to my primary bank to receive a consultation.
-> receive a consultation 상담을 받다.
There was a property evaluation of the house I wanted to buy.
They calculated an interest rate based on my fixed income, transaction history, and credit level
I was able to receive a loan for 60% of the total cost of the house.
I will repay the loan through level payments on capital and interest.
-> repay a loan 대출금을 갚다, level payments on capital and interest 원리금 균등 상환
The grace period was set at 3 years.
-> grace period 유예기간
we agreed on a repayment period of the 20 years.
-> repayment period 상환기간
A fixed interest rate was applied for the loan period.
-> fixed interest rate 고정 금리
There was also a processing fee for the loan.
With my current financial status, I wouldn't have been able to buy a home by myself.
I am grateful that I was able to receive a loan to become a homeowner.
All that's left is to work hard and repay the loan each month.
반응형'EBS > 입이 트이는 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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