[170904] Phone Addiction 휴대전화 중독EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 9. 4. 11:35반응형
Talk about phone addiction.
Phone addiction is becoming quite a big problem.
Many people are addicted to their smartphones.
They are glued to their phones and cannot put them down.
-> glue to one's phone 휴대전화에 딱 붙어 있는
They constantly chat on messaging apps.
Plus, they frequently make status updates or leave comments on social media.
Even when they have company, people pay more attention to their phones than the person in front of them.
-> pay more attention to ~에 더 많은 집중을 하다, have company 일행과 함께 있다.
This affects communication among the people.
People get distracted while they are talking to someone and conversations get interrupted very often.
-> get distracted 주의가 산만해지다, get interrupted 방해 받다.
I think phone addiction has a negative impact on face-to-face communication.
-> have a negative impact on ~에 부정적인 여파를 미치다, face-to-face communication 대면 의사소통
Let me check this message real quick. 이 메시지만 금방 확인할게.
A : Your phone's buzzing.
B : Oh, let me check this message real quick.
A : Go ahead. Take your time.
B : I'm sorry. This won't take long.
1. 나는 이 TV 방송에 중독됐어.
I am addicted to this TV show.
2. 그녀는 다른 사람들의 말에 조금 더 집중해야 한다.
She should pay more attention to what other people say.
3. 운전 중에 산만해지지 않도록 조심해.
Try not to get distracted when you drive.
4. 나는 여러 차례 방해를 받았다.
I got interrupted many times.
반응형'EBS > 입이 트이는 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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