[170809] Pets 반려동물EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 8. 9. 08:53반응형
Talk about the increasing trend of having pets in Korea.
The pet owner population in Korea is at around 10 million.
More and more people are raising dogs, cats, or exotic animals in their homes.
To them, pets are no different from family.
I recently adopted a dog from an animal shelter.
-> animal shelter 동물 보호소
Right away, I took her to the vet for a check-up.
-> right away 곧바로
The doctor's final diagnosis was that she was very healthy.
He gave her vaccinations for disease like rabies. He also applied heartworm and paracite preventives.
-> rabies 광견병, heartworm/parasite preventative 심장 사상충/기생충 예방 약
The vet then gave me advice on housebreaking my dog and proper training.
-> housebreak 배변훈련을 하다.
He was very friendly, and said I could call at anytime if anything went wrong with my dog.
I plan to have my dog groomed to look prettier soon.
-> have someone/something groomed 미용을 시키다.
I hope she will be happy with me for a long time.
반응형'EBS > 입이 트이는 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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